Tiered Rate Structure for SNC Reward Rate

Since 8th May, 2023 at 1:00 UTC. We will apply the “Tiered Rate Structure for SNC Reward Rate” as follows:

  • If the staking amount is less than 100,000 CSPR, the SNC Reward Rate is 100%.

  • If the staking amount is between 100,000 CSPR and 199,999 CSPR (inclusive), the SNC Reward Rate is 35%.

  • If the staking amount is between 200,000 CSPR and 299,999 CSPR (inclusive), the SNC Reward Rate is 25%.

  • If the staking amount is between 300,000 CSPR and 399,999 CSPR (inclusive), the SNC Reward Rate is 15%.

  • If the staking amount is 400,000 CSPR or more, the SNC Reward Rate is 5%.

Let’s say Bob has staked 150k CSPR.

  • For the first 100,000 CSPR staked, the SNC Reward Rate is 100%. So the user would receive 100% of the SNC Rewards earned

  • For the remaining 50,000 CSPR staked, the SNC Reward Rate is 35%. For the remaining 50,000 CSPR staked, the SNC Reward Rate is 35% of the SNC Rewards earned

Last updated