
EggForce is being developed by VK Venture, which is a technology-focused blockchain company founded in October 2010. VK Venture developed the high-quality dApps on the Casper Network:

  • CasperDash: A non-custodial wallet built in Casper blockchain

  • casper-storage: Following crypto standard libraries, BIPs, SLIPs, etc this library provides a generic solution which lets developers have a standard way to manage wallets

  • useWallet: A library/react component which designed for DApp to interact with CasperDash/Casper Signer on the Casper network.

The team consists of 10 full-time employees and has a remote and international culture. The founding team consists of the following individuals:

Art Director - Duy Nguyen


Head of Business Development - Rosalyn

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Project Management - Gaupoit | CasperDash

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Head of Development - Kenny | CasperDash


Last updated